Facilitator Application

  • Work Information

  • Previous Employment

  • Which age-groups would you feel most comfortable spending time with?
  • Support group facilitators at The Kids’ Place will participate in a one hour pre-meeting immediately before each group session and a debriefing post-meeting immediately after group. The total time commitment for evening groups is usually 6:00 to 9:30 p.m., two times per month.
  • References

  • Please print three (3) copies of our References Form (the form will open in a new browser tab), one for each reference. Ask them to complete and return as indicated on the form.
  • Emergency Contacts

    Who should we contact in case of an emergency? (someone who is not at your home number)
  • Facilitator Agreement & Electronic Signature

  • I am hereby giving the staff of The Kids’ Place permission to obtain and hold in my confidential file reference information from the parties listed above.

    I agree to participate with The Kids’ Place as described on the last page of this application and in the materials describing characteristics, responsibilities, and intent of volunteers at The Kids’ Place.

    The information I have provided on this application is complete and true.