Our Philosophy

Our philosophy
  • A person in grief does not have an illness that needs to be diagnosed and cured.
  • Mourning is a natural reaction to the loss of someone significant in our life.
  • Mourning is a process, a journey, not a one-time event.
  • Children, teens, and adults have the innate ability to work through the pain of grief and move toward healing.
  • Favorable circumstances and loving support can help move the process along.
  • Children and adults benefit from a relaxed, supportive environment with a peer group which has suffered similar losses.
  • Grieving children will often talk through or play out their concerns and fears if provided a safe, confidential, supportive environment.
  • Providing a family systems approach to grief support is essential to the emotional healing of children and adults.
  • A person’s feelings on the grief journey are their feelings. It isn’t up to us to talk them out of their feelings or to try to change the way they are feeling.