What Kids Get

A Safe Place

Children and teens in grief need a place they can go where it’s OK to be themselves. At The Kids’ Place, they can laugh or cry, play, or vent anger — without feeling pressure to “get over it” or “straighten up.”

Safe People

Trained, caring group facilitators serve as companions as kids walk through their grief. The volunteer staff of The Kids’ Place is available to guide and nurture, not to teach, direct, or “fix” people.

Understanding Peers

One of the benefits of a grief program for children is the regular association with other children who have experienced the death of someone important to them. Children helping children is a key element at The Kids’ Place.

Opportunities To Play

Grieving adults aren’t always easy for children to be around. Young people can’t handle the sadness and pain for long periods of time. The Kids’ Place gives them opportunities to play — to be kids again.

Opportunities To Remember and Commemorate

No one wants to forget a loved one as time passes. Activities and times of sharing at The Kids’ Place allow children and teenagers to share their memories and create tangible items that will help them remember.

Validation Of Experiences and Feelings

It’s easy to feel like we are “going crazy” as we wade through our grief. The support groups at The Kids’ Place allow experiences and feelings to be expressed and validated in a non-threatening setting of acceptance.

Listening Ears That Promote Healing

Genuine listening is therapeutic — it helps us heal. Young people don’t care how much we know — they want to know how much we care! Listening ears are always available at The Kids’ Place.

Lots Of Affirmation

Grieving teens and children often feel that the people in their world are pulling away from them. They need the reassurance that they are OK, that they are still loved. At The Kids’ Place, affirmation is plentiful — and free!